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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the office hours?

Our office hours vary. Appointments are generally available Monday-Saturday and evening hours are available. We are available by phone Monday-Friday and for urgent calls on evenings and weekends.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept cash, check and visa. We accept Medicaid and in-network insurance. Because insurances often impose limits on mental health benefits or contract those benefits to out-of-network carriers, you will need to contact your insurer to verify that services will be covered. Payment is due at the time of service if you have a co-pay or are self pay.

How can I assure privacy in treatment?

We take great care to ensure that information you share is kept confidential. There are important limitations to confidentiality, such as when keeping it would threaten your own or someone else’s life. This is described in more detail in our privacy policy that you will receive a copy of at intake.